135 Park Street, BROWNSVILLE, PA 15417
Phone: (724) 785-6488
Guy A. Skirpan, Supervisor

680 Cherry Tree Lane, Uniontown, PA 15401
Phone: 724-430-9010
Michael C. Bogorae, Supervisor
Deanna L. Skirpan, Funeral Director

Notify Creditors

Creditors should be notified promptly following a death. If there is to be a delay in meeting debts or installment payments, you may be able to file for extensions. Many creditors are sympathetic to these situations and are willing to grant your requests. If credit insurance or mortgage insurance policies were in force, purchases made on credit (vehicles, furniture, etc.) or the home mortgage may be paid off by the insurance. Ask your lending institution.

135 Park Street | BROWNSVILLE, PA 15417 | Phone: (724) 785-6488 | Fax: (724)785-6489 | Email: skirpanfh@verizon.net